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刻槽盆是一种内壁遍布粗糙刻划纹的特殊陶器。目前,对其功能尚没有统一的认识,而淀粉粒分析无疑将提供重要信息。本文对安徽省含山县凌家滩遗址(5500~5300 BP)发掘出土的18件刻槽盆残片开展淀粉粒分析,在陶片上发现种类丰富的淀粉粒,其中以薏苡(Coix lacryma-jobi L.)和未定禾本科(Poaceae)为主,其次是小麦族(Triticeae tribe)、壳斗科栎属(Quercus L.)和其他根茎类植物的淀粉粒,豇豆属(Vigna sp.)、莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera)和山药(Dioscorea opposita Thunb.)的淀粉粒相对较少。上述结果表明刻槽盆主要用于加工野生植物资源。值得注意的是,在器物上发现了大量受到研磨/杵捣处理的破损淀粉粒或烹煮导致的糊化淀粉粒,这表明它们应该用于研磨/杵捣和烹煮食物。淀粉粒的统计分析结果表明,先民的生业方式在不同时期发生了细微变化,薏苡和未定禾本科植物的比例虽仍占据着优势,但先民已开始有意识地减少对这两类植物的依赖,逐渐加强了对小麦族、栎属、豇豆属和根茎类植物资源的开发和利用。对具有加工痕迹的淀粉粒进行分析,发现先民在加工各类型植物时,始终采用研磨为主、烹煮为辅的方式,刻槽盆的功能在不同时期无明显变化。  相似文献   
耐碳青霉烯类抗菌药物的肠杆菌科细菌(carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae,CRE)的感染已成为威胁全球人类健康的严重问题。预防CRE感染已迫在眉睫。人体肠道是绝大多数细菌的储存库,而导致院内感染主要的危险因素之一是肠道中定植的耐药菌。CRE定植一般先于或同步于CRE感染,对入院48 h内患者进行CRE主动筛查并对阳性结果的患者采取主动干预措施是预防CRE感染与传播的有效途径。该文就CRE传播与流行、需要筛查的人群、主要的筛查样本及主要的筛查方法等作一综述。  相似文献   
目的 研究《中华人民共和国药典》(简称《中国药典》)纳入的标准菌种质控新方法,并评价不同批号标准菌种的质量稳定性。方法 对脉冲场凝胶电泳(PFGE)技术进行比较研究,同时整合16SrRNA基因序列分析、多位点序列分型和基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱等质控新方法,进行标准菌种质控新方法的建立,并对标准菌种的质量进行评价。结果 形成了适用于《中国药典》中标准菌种的方法,并通过整合的质控新方法对不同批号的标准菌种进行评价,结果显示,菌种质量稳定,遗传信息无改变。同时,建立了标准菌种16SrRNA基因标准序列、PFGE标准指纹图谱和标准基因型。结论 标准菌种质控新方法的研究,为更加全面、深入地评价标准菌种的质量提供了依据;建立的标准菌种质量控制体系及标准菌种质控鉴定信息,为标准菌种持续的质量控制奠定了重要的参比信息基础。  相似文献   
菌种是国家的重要生物资源,也是生产、教学和科学研究的基本材料。为确保菌种的质量和活力,需要正确的菌种保藏方法。阐述了菌种保藏的重要性、菌种保藏常见方法及其存在的问题,探讨了常用菌种的保藏技术及关键点,好的保藏方法可延长菌种的保存时间,又可防止菌种退化。  相似文献   
A high level of chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes may be an early marker of cancer risk, but data on risk of specific cancers and types of chromosomal aberrations are limited. Consequently, the development of predictive models for chromosomal aberrations test is important task. Majority of models for chromosomal aberrations test are so-called knowledge-based rules system. The CORAL software (http://www.insilico.eu/coral, abbreviation of “CORrelation And Logic”) is an alternative for knowledge-based rules system. In contrast to knowledge-based rules system, the CORAL software gives possibility to estimate the influence upon the predictive potential of a model of different molecular alerts as well as different splits into the training set and validation set. This possibility is not available for the approaches based on the knowledge-based rules system. Quantitative Structure–Activity Relationships (QSAR) for chromosome aberration test are established for five random splits into the training, calibration, and validation sets. The QSAR approach is based on representation of the molecular structure by simplified molecular input-line entry system (SMILES) without data on physicochemical and/or biochemical parameters. In spite of this limitation, the statistical quality of these models is quite good.  相似文献   
This study focused on a method based on the capacity of cationic dyes to stain only the nucleus and chromosomes in cells subjected to either acid or alkaline hydrolysis. The method and the squash were optimized for the Characeae and were described in detail. Nuclei from vegetative shoot apices and antheridial filament cells of unfixed, fixed and herbarium material of Nitella opaca were investigated using the Azure A or Toulidine Blue stains. Comparisons with some other staining methods, used in the previous studies, were also reported. The Azure A/Toulidine Blue method is useful to obtain clear images of chromosome morphology comparable or higher to that obtained with Feulgen or Aceto‐Orcein. It requires little time and a less complicated procedure in comparison with other staining methods.  相似文献   
Oral cancer surgery has a negative influence on the quality of life (QOL). As a result of the complex physiology involved in oral functions, estimation of surgical effects on functionality remains difficult. We present a user-friendly biomechanical simulation of tongue surgery, including closure with suturing and scar formation, followed by an automated adaptation of a finite element (FE) model to the shape of the tongue. Different configurations of our FE model were evaluated and compared to a well-established FE model. We showed that the post-operative impairment as predicted by our model was qualitatively comparable to a patient case for five different tongue maneuvers.  相似文献   
The study presents a screening method used to identify the influential parameters of a lower limb model including ligaments, at low numerical cost. Concerning multibody kinematics optimisation, the ligament parameters (isometric length) were found the most influential ones in a previous study. The screening method tested if they remain influential with minimised length variations. The most important parameters for tibiofemoral kinematics were the skin markers, segment lengths and joint parameters, including two ligaments. This was confirmed by a quantitative sensitivity analysis. The screening method has the potential to be used as a stand-alone procedure for a sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   
In implantology, when financial or biological feasibility limitations appear, it is necessary to use prostheses with geometries that deviate from the conventional, with a pontic in the absence of an intermediate implant. The aim of this study was analyze and understand the general differences in the stresses generated in implants, components and infrastructures according to the configuration of the prosthesis over three or two implants. Thus, this paper analyzes the von Mises equivalent stresses (VMES) of ductile materials on their external surfaces. The experimental groups: Regular Splinted Conventional Group (RCG), which had conventional infrastructures on 3 regular-length Morse taper implants (4x11?mm); Regular Splinted Pontic Group (RPG), which had infrastructures with intermediate pontics on 2 regular-length Morse taper implants (4x11?mm). The simulations of the groups were created with Ansys Workbench 10.0 software. The results revealed that the RPG presented greater areas of possible fragility due to higher stress concentrations, for example, in the cervical area of the union between the implant and component the top platform of the abutment, as well as greater coverage of the stress by the cervical implant threads. The RPG infrastructure was also more affected by stresses in the connection areas between the prostheses and on the occlusal surface. There is an advantage to using prostheses supported by a greater number of implants (RCG) because this decreases the stress in the analyzed structures and consequently improves stress dissipation to the supporting bone, which would preserve the system.  相似文献   
Cultural attraction theory (CAT) describes a general evolutionary process, cultural attraction, by which the spread and stability of cultural items (beliefs, practices, artifacts, etc.) result not just from differential reproduction, but also from transformations that systematically favor the reconstruction of cultural items of specific types. In this way, CAT aims to provide a general framework for the study of cultural evolution. In a thoughtful critical analysis, Buskell questions the ability of CAT to provide methodological guidance for research in cultural evolution. Can CAT be used to develop the sort of mid‐range theories and models that often drive empirical work? Here we argue that CAT can indeed be used in this way, and we outline the methodological practices that students of cultural attraction have used and are currently developing.  相似文献   
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